Kelly Sell (360) 500-4112 ksell@graysharbor.us  
  Megan Lamont (360) 500-4114 mlamont@graysharbor.us  
  Ian Connell (360) 500-4153 iconnell@graysharbor.us  

  1. Probation Counselors enforce or monitor court conditions:
    1. Meet at regular intervals with youth or family
    2. Monitor school progress (attendance and grades)
    3. Ensure payment of fines, restitution, crime victims and court costs
    4. Schedule detention days
    5. Arrange community service work sites and monitor progress
  2. Make referrals to DCYF (Dept of Children, Youth and Families) for shelter care needs
  3. Make counseling referrals for both family and/or youth as determined necessary
  4. Make counseling referrals for alcohol/drug assessment or evaluation and follow-up treatment
  5. Communicate with police agencies regarding investigation of alleged new offenses by youth
  6. Communicate with the prosecuting attorney to formulate recommendations on new offense(s) by youth
  7. Initiate court action on any court order violation as deemed necessary by filing a probation violation

Parents and youth are encouraged to contact probation counselors not only regarding the current offense(s) for which he/she is on probation, but also to resolve potential problems before they become serious.  Early detection, attention and resolution of minor problems are often the best solutions to major problems.

Probation counselors not only monitor court orders, but they also assist the youth in any way possible.


Probation supervision includes the monitoring of all court conditions as specified in the court order at the time of sentencing.  Probation counselors monitor youth activities in the community, school and home to ensure their compliance within the probation period ordered by court.

Probation counselors develop a case plan based on information available through school records, other county agencies and family members.  This case plan will assess strengths and risk factors of the youth and family and address them in relation to resources available to better serve the youth, family and community.

The goal of probation supervision is to reduce or eliminate the number of law enforcement contacts and/or referrals to the court process while improving the relationship between the youth, family, schools and community.  Hopefully, the goals can be met by accountability, counseling and provide a better understanding of the court process and its relationship with the youth, family and community.